image shows: Products Page.  Show/Hide More Information Feature

Image shows: Products Page. Show/Hide More Information Feature

Image ID: 12

The products page was taking up too much room on occasions. If you have a lot to say about each product, then the space requirement is a bit much. This also leads to people not reading what you have to say about your products as they can be put off by having to wade through too much text before reaching the bit they want. To trim down the initial view and make it more visitor friendly, the page now just displays an image, header, brief intro and a link to more information, which pops out in a layer below the image. This also gives you the opportunity to get a bit more information back from your customers in exchange. By setting the page status to limited, you can show the basic information, but only registered users can see the full detail. Likewise, with any page in Webinthebox? you can set the page status to private, in which case all the information is only available to registered, logged on users.
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